Testing, benchmarking and evaluation

Unit tests

In addition to the standard unit tests that are located in the project’s test directory Inscriptis also contains test cases that solely focus on the html to text conversion and are located in the tests/html directory. These tests consist of two files:

  1. test-name.html and

  2. test-name.txt

The .txt file contains the reference text output for the given html file.

Since Inscripits 2.0 there may also be a third file named test-name.json in the tests/html directory which contains a JSON dictioanry with keys

  1. annotation-rules containing the annotation rules for extracting metadata from the corresponding html file, and

  2. result which stores the surface forms of the extracted metadata.


{"annotation_rules": {
    "h1": ["heading"],
    "b": ["emphasis"]
 "result": [
        ["heading", "The first"],
        ["heading", "The second"],
        ["heading", "Subheading"]

Text conversion output comparison and benchmarking

The inscriptis project contains a benchmarking script that can compare different HTML to text conversion approaches. The script will run the different approaches on a list of URLs, url_list.txt, and save the text output into a time stamped folder in benchmarking/benchmarking_results for manual comparison. Additionally the processing speed of every approach per URL is measured and saved in a text file called speed_comparisons.txt in the respective time stamped folder.

To run the benchmarking script execute run_benchmarking.py from within the folder benchmarking. In def pipeline() set the which HTML -> Text algorithms to be executed by modifying:

run_lynx = True
run_justext = True
run_html2text = True
run_beautifulsoup = True
run_inscriptis = True

In url_list.txt the URLs to be parsed can be specified by adding them to the file, one per line with no additional formatting. URLs need to be complete (including http:// or https://) e.g.:
